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In the spotlight

Securing and implementing a transformative agreement: Perspectives from library leaders

Explore how library leaders finalize an agreement’s terms and ensure a successful implementation of a transformative agreements that supports their strategic goals.

Two people smiling at a person who's head is turned away from the camera

When your research affects cancer patients, reliable AI is critical

Dr Engie El Sawaf knows the difference research can make to people’s lives. She researches neuropathy, a common side effect of chemotherapy that can be so severe that patients choose to stop cancer treatment. Find out how ScopusAI provides the trusted information she needs.

Worth its weight in gold: getting your legacy data in order

Your R&D-driven company is sitting on reams of research data stashed in countless silos and formats — and laced with ever-evolving jargon. Where do you begin when you want to set your data free?

Learn how Elsevier is supporting open science

Science presentation